
Making Progress

We just made another big payment to the student loan! Hooray for coloring in 3 of our $1000 bills!

We've been discussing budget and finances this week and we think we can have this debt cleared by the end of this year. That would be so amazing! Then it would be on to our very last debt...the house!


Somebody Loves Me

After months of fighting 3 specific family members (who will remain unnamed, but whose first names start with K, J, and M) for the computer, I finally have my own!

Isn't it beautiful?
My super awesome husband got me a tablet for Christmas! He also got the keyboard for it so I can write novels and blog easier! Pretty amazing!

I feel very spoiled.

Years ago, I put a goal on myself that if by the time all my kids are in school I'm making money with my writing, I can stay home to write. If not, I need to get a job.

Time is running out (insert sad face) so I better start typing...