
From Frustration to Finally

We've been a little busy lately turning this

Into this

and then this

Sorry for the bad pictures. I really need to learn how to load pics from the camera onto the computer.

So, it's been a bit busy and I've neglected this thing a bit. Let me tell you, I've had a lot to say though.

For starters, I've been so frustrated with our finances. And our lack of a house. And my car.

a.k.a. the money pit. 

It's spent more time in the shop in the last week than it has with us. And $1400 later, it's running good again. So much for our savings plan.

That's where all the frustration has been. Our savings has done more shrinking than growing in the last month and I was not responding well to that. But you can't avoid things like cars getting fixed, dental work, and doctor visits.

Last weekend was my lowest. Kris has been gone all the time working, and I was sick of nothing to show for it. I decided to look for a house. Thankfully, I didn't get very far before I was reminded via Pastor Jerry to stay the course. Back to waiting I go. But this time with renewed hope.

And for good reason. Something awesome was about to happen! Kris got his biggest paycheck yet, and we made our first large payment to the student loan! Finally! This is really going to happen!

We made a picture of our debt so we could fill it in as we go and see what it really looks like. This will also allow the kids to participate and see how it works. Each of the bills represents $1000, totalling the amount of the debt.

I'm happy to say that 3 and a half of those are now filled in! Hooray!  :)