

The kids and I went to Lowe's today to do the free project that they offer. This month they can make a Christmas train and it's really cute! Anyway, we were walking through the store afterwards, and Kristian says he found a Christmas gift for me and can he buy it. I ask how much it costs, he doesn't know, so I sent him and his brother to find out.

They came back and told me it cost $11.

Can you come back with your dad and get it next week?

Nope. He really wants to do this himself. So I have him call his dad and tell him what the item is, the cost, and ask for his input. Dad says go ahead.

So I gave my seven year old $20 from the Christmas cash and let him buy a gift for me.

 All by himself.

And wrap it. All by himself.

 I have no idea what could be at Lowe's that I would want for Christmas, especially something that the clerk laughed at when he said it was a gift for his mom.

But this is so darn sweet I don't even care!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT! And I needed a good laugh tonight! Can't wait to see what he got you.
