
Making Progress

We just made another big payment to the student loan! Hooray for coloring in 3 of our $1000 bills!

We've been discussing budget and finances this week and we think we can have this debt cleared by the end of this year. That would be so amazing! Then it would be on to our very last debt...the house!


Somebody Loves Me

After months of fighting 3 specific family members (who will remain unnamed, but whose first names start with K, J, and M) for the computer, I finally have my own!

Isn't it beautiful?
My super awesome husband got me a tablet for Christmas! He also got the keyboard for it so I can write novels and blog easier! Pretty amazing!

I feel very spoiled.

Years ago, I put a goal on myself that if by the time all my kids are in school I'm making money with my writing, I can stay home to write. If not, I need to get a job.

Time is running out (insert sad face) so I better start typing...


Owl Be Home for Christmas

For all those who are waiting, the special gift from Lowe's was a singing Christmas owl.

"Owl be home for Christmas...whoo whoo..."

I know you're jealous. I would be.

It would seem a little boy with a winning smile has my heart.

I wouldn't have it any other way!



The kids and I went to Lowe's today to do the free project that they offer. This month they can make a Christmas train and it's really cute! Anyway, we were walking through the store afterwards, and Kristian says he found a Christmas gift for me and can he buy it. I ask how much it costs, he doesn't know, so I sent him and his brother to find out.

They came back and told me it cost $11.

Can you come back with your dad and get it next week?

Nope. He really wants to do this himself. So I have him call his dad and tell him what the item is, the cost, and ask for his input. Dad says go ahead.

So I gave my seven year old $20 from the Christmas cash and let him buy a gift for me.

 All by himself.

And wrap it. All by himself.

 I have no idea what could be at Lowe's that I would want for Christmas, especially something that the clerk laughed at when he said it was a gift for his mom.

But this is so darn sweet I don't even care!


Party's Over

I had a pity party last week. It lasted...oh, all week.

Not my proudest moment.

I was mourning the loss of my free schedule. I was down with a cold. I was overwhelmed and so I shut down completely.

I enjoy doing things well, and when that wasn't happening last week, it was all over.

I promised Halloween pics. Didn't get done.
I had a giant pile of laundry. Didn't get done.
I had Bible study to do. Didn't get done.
Should I go on?
I think you get the picture.

Last week was our first week as interim youth directors at our church. This is a position that I do not in any way feel qualified for. Kris and I definitely felt called to do it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't scare us to death!

Anyway, my schedule just got a lot more hectic. And I'm not really a fan of hectic. I spent the whole week pouting about it. Don't worry though, God didn't let me stay there too long. In very gentle ways he steered me out of it. This week is a fresh start. I'm learning to manage my time differently. I will have significantly less free time, but it won't kill me. I'm going to have to lean on God for the strength to do it all, but that's what he's there for!

I am so excited to see what God is doing here! It's been quite a trip so far, and I think that means amazing things are ahead.

For now, let me catch you up on the last week.

Halloween costumes! We spent a total of $15 this year! That's thanks to my mom who made the magician and princess costumes for birthday presents earlier this year. She's got some amazing skills!

We were given half a bushel of grapes, and the back of my car is full of carrots from our garden. It didn't get taken care of last week, so I'm working on that this week. If anyone has any good uses for carrots...I could use some help with that.

I sent off another large payment to the student loan! We payed almost $1000 this month toward it! Yippee!!!

We also got a new dining room set! This was something I've been (not very) patiently waiting for. I love our table, it's been in my husband's family for generations, but it was not meeting our needs very well. We want to get it refinished, but needed something for the meantime. Oh, and it would be nice to have more than three chairs. I might really miss that lawn chair though.

Maybe not.

We shopped around and found a table we loved, but it was $1600. Not really a good idea right now. So, we got one off Craigslist for $150 that we thought would work for a while and we can wait until a better time. I'm actually pretty happy with this one!

So, the pity party's over and I'm ready to see how God is going to be working in us! Don't worry, I'll keep you updated!


Polly Want A...

In case you were wondering...I still love free food! These were all from my Dad and Mom. My dad is a trucker and sometimes when cases are damaged, they get to keep the stuff. They ended up with a bunch of crackers and were gracious enough to share with us! Of course, we then passed on the blessing as well. Our good friends Matt and Victoria were visiting from Boise, so we shared the crackers with them too! The kids have seen the crackers, but the cookies will remain hidden so we can bring them out at strategic times (or just sneak them, whichever).

It was just payday weekend and I took $20 out of my grocery cash again. I didn't even miss it last time. Maybe this is a good week to take out another $20 since our pantry and fridge are still full and I don't even need to do the grocery shopping yet. I had budgeted some money for food and fun while our friends were visiting, and there are loads of leftovers, so that gave me a head start on saving grocery money this time!

I'll be back on here later today to show you our budget Halloween costumes this year! Well, that is if I get a chance to finish them. Wish me luck!


Dear Santa,

This year I would really like my own computer. Or a tablet. Or anything along those lines that I don't have to share with three children and a husband. It makes it very difficult to blog about painting all last week at Kris' parents house,

digging out water pipes at Kris' parents,

a certain child who stole my razor and thought she should shave her mustache,

digging potatoes,

and more potatoes,

and more potatoes.

My family would appreciate it too. They're not very happy about me pestering them to hand over the keyboard.
I promise to be good for the rest of the year!
Love, Melissa

P.S. Maybe you could also bring some recipes for potatoes. As you can see, I have lots and I need to know what to do with them. Thanks.